Visiting Las Vegas (With Kids)

Las Vegas-A white tiger at The Secret Garden of Siegfried & Roy
A white tiger at The Secret Garden of Siegfried & Roy

11. Attend Shows

For a family that enjoys the theatre there are a number of shows that will appeal. We love the theatre so attending shows while we were in Las Vegas was one of the most anticipated aspects of our trip. We took in a performance of the Cirque de Soleil’s The Beatles – Love at The Mirage; A Broadway Celebration at New York, New York, and a Celine Dion concert at Ceasar’s Palace.

I was blown away by the production of Love. I wasn’t really sure what to expect as I hadn’t seen a Cirque de Soleil show for close to 20 years but it more than lives up to the hype. There is so much happening on that stage that it is hard to know where to look, the music is great, and the acrobatics are astounding. Emma wasn’t familiar with many of the Beatles songs beforehand but she emerged from the show as a huge new Beatles fan.

Celine was Celine – she put on an amazing show and Emma was thrilled to attend her first real concert. The Broadway Celebration show was okay – it was a much smaller venue and the acoustics weren’t great but the tickets were about half the price of the other shows that we saw so I suppose that reflected the quality of the show. Emma enjoyed hearing many of the Broadway songs that she was familiar with though and learning a few new ones. 

Las Vegas-Cirque de Soleil - The Beatles - Love
The Beatles – Love

12. Shopping

We didn’t really spend much time shopping but for those who are keen there are shops around every corner. We did spend far too much time at the 28,000 sq.ft., 4 level M&M World Las Vegas – the likes of which we had never seen before – Emma thought that she was in candy heaven. (Parents should prepare to be astounded when the purchase is rung up at the cash register.) We also shopped at David & Goliath for silly t-shirts as it’s a store that we don’t have at home. 

M&M's World Las Vegas
M&M’s World Las Vegas

We had no difficulty finding kid-friendly activities during the four days that we spent in Las Vegas – in fact, we had several other attractions on our list that we didn’t have time to visit. So yes, Las Vegas is an adult-oriented destination but there are plenty of activities that will appeal to families as well and there is no need to worry that you will be the only family visiting. In all likelihood, you will be quite surprised at just how many families have chosen Sin City for their family vacation.


Related Links

A Family Holiday at the Four Seasons Las Vegas

Photo Memories from the Grand Canyon

Book Review: Las Vegas: An Indie Travel Guide


Las Vegas with kids - Where to stay and things to do on a family trip to Las Vegas | Gone with the Family


Reader Interactions


  1. Anita Mac

    Great photos! Will have to check Vegas out one of these days…there really is so much more than just gambling! Thanks for the great tips.

  2. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Thanks, Anita! There definitely is a lot to do in Las Vegas apart from gambling. We also added on a trip to the Grand Canyon with a stop at Hoover Dam along the way and would have liked to do more exploring of the area around Las Vegas but just didn’t have enough time.

  3. Cheryl @ Kids On A Plane

    It’s been a while since we have been to Vegas (we took our toddler there once LOL) but these photos make me want to go again soon. I need some sunshine and warm weather!

    I’ve never seen the chocolate fountain or the conservatory at Bellagio. It’s on our to do list!

  4. Becca@rwetheryetmom?

    There is an absolute TON to do in Las Vegas with kids! I lived there for many years as a child right when they were making it so family friendly!

    We LOVE the Beatles LOVE! Could watch it over & over!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

  5. EverywhereAmy

    My husband and I were just having this discussion.. what is there in Vegas for kids. Now I can answer πŸ™‚

  6. Tracy

    Wow, I knew Vegas was kid friendly but it’s not until you see a great round up of all the kid friendly things to do that you realise just how great a place it would be to go to. Thanks for putting the list together. Sounds like you had fun. I’m tempted to ask just how much the M&M bill came to … πŸ™‚ I hope you made her share!

  7. Margaret

    We also loved Love when we were there. I’m sorry I missed the chocolate fountain. I agree that Vegas can be a great place for a family vacation. Just the people watching and street entertainment alone makes a fun trip.

  8. budget jan

    Good tip on the inner tube, I can imagine with our kids we would have had to buy them. It would be too mean for them to have to watch the other kids having all the fun.
    The suite looks fantastic.

  9. Lisa Wood

    I never ever realised that there was so much for kids to do at Las Vegas! I love the idea of touring the hotels – be so much to see in each one….and the Street’s would be a real eye opener.
    I think the shows would be great, but I so would have to avoid the M & M World…too much yummy chocolate.
    What is one place you would like to re-visit so that you could see more of it again? I would love to see the Titanic Display, its my all time favourite story….they must have been so scared when that boat went down in the water.

  10. Mary {The World Is A Book}

    I’m so glad you had a great time in Vegas and were happy with your shows. It really is a fun city even with kids. You have to go back and see the Bellagio fountains at night πŸ™‚ They have done a much better job of entertaining kids and making some parts of it family-friendly including day trips. It’s one of my kids’ favorite places.

  11. jenny@atasteoftravel

    We took our girls to Vegas when they were young and even today, they still talk about it! There seems to be so much more to do today than in our time! We also took a flight to the Grand Canyon from here which was fun. Great city..perfect for young and old!

  12. Marisol

    Hi Lisa, amazing how Las Vegas has become much more family friendly.
    the last time I was in Vegas there weren’t any of those artsy exhibit yets. I’ll go back just to see those.
    Lovely suite and photos. As always, great to see Emma having a wonderful time.

  13. Lisa Goodmurphy

    This was actually my first ever trip to Vegas so I have no point of comparison but, honestly, given that I have no desire to gamble, I’m not sure that I would have done anything differently if Emma hadn’t been with me!

  14. Sensibletraveler

    Great ideas. I have to help lead a group of high school aged kids to a conference in Las Vegas this summer. We are also staying at a non-gaming hotel, but these tips will come in handy.

  15. Lisa Goodmurphy

    The chocolate fountain is very impressive! If I had heard about it prior to our visit then it had completely slipped my mind but Emma was chatting up some Vegas regulars at one of the shows we went to and they recommended it – glad we made the effort to see it!

  16. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Yes, we had to buy a couple – I was just very surprised that they weren’t available to borrow or rent. Fortunately, the Four Seasons was happy to store them for us while we went to the Grand Canyon so that we had them when we got back to Vegas!

  17. Lisa Goodmurphy

    The hotels are incredible, Lisa – they are just completely over the top and Emma loved it! This Titanic exhibit is very well done. We have seen a number of Titanic exhibits because of Emma’s interest and this was one of my favourites – definitely worth a visit!

  18. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Emma started planning a return trip before we left! πŸ˜‰ I wish we would have had more time for day trips because it seems like there is quite a lot in the area. We stopped at the Hoover Dam on the way to the Grand Canyon but that was it for us. The days went by too quickly!

  19. Lisa Goodmurphy

    We used Vegas as a jumping off point for a trip to the Grand Canyon as well although we drove and stayed there for a couple of nights. I think Emma will be talking about this trip for some time too!

  20. Allison

    We skipped the Shark Reef when we visited with our kids last year, but since reading more about it, I have regretted that decision. You do have to be careful, but Vegas really can be fun for families.

  21. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Thanks, Marisol! I learned about the Nat Geo exhibit shortly before we headed to Vegas and it was one of the best things we did – before that I had no idea that there was anything of the sort in Vegas!

  22. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Sounds like a great trip! I’m sure you won’t have any trouble entertaining high school aged kids – you just might have to work a little harder at making sure that they don’t see anything inappropriate!

  23. Lisa Goodmurphy

    The Shark Reef is a great facility – we enjoyed our visit there as much as we have bigger aquariums. You do have to be a bit careful about what kids will see in Vegas but I think the fact that we weren’t out wandering at night mitigated that a fair bit.

  24. Anita @ Losing Austin

    We’ve wanted to go but haven’t been able to manage a full vaca without the kids, and aren’t big gamblers anyway… you make it seem like a must do with a family! Great info.

    BTW, found you today through the TALU hop.

  25. Kenya G. Johnson

    Vegas with kids – who would have thunk it? Not me. OMG to your daughter’s bag of M&Ms. Of course my eyes would zoom in on that. I am a recovering M&Maholic. I haven’t had any since February. Oh my to the chocolate fountain too. I’m not off chocolate – just M&Ms because I don’t know how to eat just a handful.

  26. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Hi Anita, I wouldn’t necessarily say that Las Vegas is a must-do for families but there is definitely plenty of family-friendly activities to keep kids busy. We didn’t gamble at all while we were in Vegas – I just wanted to see the city for the sake of seeing it and we had a great time!

  27. Lisa Goodmurphy

    The M&Ms store was pretty amazing and just a couple of weeks later we visited the one in New York City as well – Emma spent a couple of weeks in M&M heaven! πŸ™‚

  28. Lisa Goodmurphy

    Steph – I think the secret is to get inside off the streets in the evening. We walked around a lot in the day and didn’t see too much in the way of bad behaviour. Doesn’t hurt to be very skilled at distraction when necessary either! πŸ˜‰

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